Friday, January 06, 2006

Job Drama

It's nice to be appreciated in your profession. I'm being fought over.

In a way, it's flattering, but in another way it's very stressful because I feel like I'm being blamed for the fighting.

Let's face it, everyone has their price, and loyalty doesn't mean much in the business world. I'm sure that virtually any non-billionaire would pick up dog crap all day, if you paid them enough. And dog crap doesn't even begin to describe the depths that some people would sink to for a certain amount of money. But in my case, we're not talking about anything so extreme. We're talking about leaving a wage job at a corporate behemoth, for a nearly identical job in the same company at a desk 100 feet away, for 23% more pay. That's a no brainer, I'm sure all three of my readers will agree.

But I'm being made to feel like a jerk. I notified them immediately about the possible conflict of interest of an intra-company bidding war, they didn't care. Except for the money, I preferred to stay where I am, and agreed to do so in return for an official matching offer. I even gave them a month to get it. But large companies move slowly, despite the best efforts of some good people, they just couldn't get it in time. So I am a bit disappointed that I have to resign despite all their efforts. The other offer won't wait forever.

This is not my fault. I have done exactly what I said I would do, which is how I always try to live my life.

OK, OK, I know, it's just their salesman techniques. Guilt tripping me is one of their techniques of doing business. But why does a guilt trip only seem to be used against employees by employers, not the other way around? I suppose it's because corporations don't feel guilt, people do. Huh... corporations don't feel guilt... no individual reaches the threshhold of guilt because there are so many others involved to diffuse the responsibility. That certainly explains a lot doesn't it? Cigarettes... SUV's... "Police Academy 6".


Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of your three readers does agree. So when do you start the new job?

10:18 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...


1:04 PM  

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