Thursday, May 19, 2005

I take it as a complement

How is it that so many Muslim extremists are furious enough at the Jews to do and say things like this and this? Isn't it America they're supposed to be mad at? Are they just stuck on hating Jews out of centuries of habit? America is not Jewish. As proof, I say to all "jihad" believers: check out our shopping malls in November. Compute the ratio of "Jingle Bells" to "Dreidel Dreidel Dreidel". Then come back in April and do the same, but this time compare the number of Easter eggs to Gefilte fishes. That will give you a very close approximation of the Jewish stake in American culture. It's practically zilch. Or as we like to say, "Bubkes".

How are Jews still their sworn enemy? There aren't that many Jews left. Worldwide, Muslims outnumber Jews 85 to 1. For such a large section of Muslims to blame their problems on the Jews, is like Andre the Giant complaining that Gary Coleman took his lunch money. It's like the Duke basketball team choosing Davidson as their arch-rival.

Jews are only 0.2 percent of the world, but apparently, we control everything. We control the banks. The American government. Didn't you know the Jews orchestrated 9/11 and pinned it on Muslims? For some reason, certain people miss this obvious conclusion: We must be awful smart, or strong, or have super powers, or something, in order to pull that off. Just imagine, each Jew taking on five hundred gentiles, and winning. Some would say it's nothing short of divine intervention.

I am honored to be thought of so highly. You might not be aware, but some of us do claim to be God's chosen people. This image of us is totally inaccurate, of course. But I take it as a complement.


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